A young girl, Chihiro, becomes trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon the courage she never knew she had to free her family.
Chihiro Ogino / Sen (voice)
Haku (voice)
Yubaba / Zeniba (voice)
Akio Ogino (voice)
Yuko Ogino (voice)
Chichiyaku (voice)
Aniyaku (voice)
Kaonashi (voice)
Kamaji (voice)
Rin (voice)
Boh (voice)
Aogaeru (voice)
Bantai Frog Service (voice)
Mr. Oshira (voice)
God of the River (voice)
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One of the great "masters" of the anime art. Somehow, if I would personally associate "Akira" to "self-destruction", then this anime would be the opposite :)
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